Minoterie Girardeau offers artisan bakers a wide range of organic flours made from various types of grain, such as wheat, khorasan wheat, rye, quinoa and spelt, and refined to varying degrees(T45, T55, T65, T80, T110, T150 and T170).
Organic flour, an eco-friendly product
Our organic flours are all produced to strict specifications. To be deemed ‘organic’, flours must be derived from crops on which no synthetic chemicals or GMOs have been used. This method of production also involves recycling organic matter, crop rotation and biological pest control (crop diseases, weeds, etc.).
To obtain the AB (French organic farming) or Eurofeuille (European organic farming) label, flours must be certified by a public authority-approved inspection body. These certifications are therefore a guarantee of quality, traceability and respect for the environment.
There are several aims behind the processing of organic flours, including preserving the nutritional qualities of the raw materials as far as possible. The grains can be crushed on natural flint millstones or roller mills.
Often used in organic farming, the stone-milling process allows the germ and more of the husk, which is rich in fibre and minerals, to be incorporated into the flour.
What uses are there for organic flours ?
Since organic flours are so diverse, they can be used to make all types of bread: traditional French bread (with TradiBio), speciality breads, wholemeal breads, pancakes, pastries, etc. As with traditional flours, it is generally the type of grain used and the degree of refinement that determine how organic flour is used.
The various organic flours produced by Minoterie Girardeau
We work with our long-standing partner Minoterie Suire, a mill located just three kilometres away that has been involved in the organic sector since 1979, to produce our organic flours.
We are able to offer a comprehensive range of exceptional organic flours thanks to Europe’s largest flint mill. Whether pure or blended, designed for bread-making or pastry-making, stone-ground or cylinder-ground, here is a non-exhaustive list of our organic flours.